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Monday, October 5, 2009

+gObOk bOndA's cOLLeCtiOn LaunChiNg!!!!!

Welcome Welcome and Welcome!!!!
Gobok Bonda in da house!!!!

Basically, we sell clothes...flying here from Korea..
Which are different from any other clothes out there.
we'll also try to give u da best sevice & da BEST PRICE too!!!
Dare to look different??? why not babe...

We are newcomers in this field.
So we gotta start with limited stock for the sake of marketing.

We gonna upload the pre-order for 1st Batch in a very soon.

So what are u waiting for??
Come n grab urs now!!!
Just email us now! : gobokbonda@yahoo.com
Then,we will let u know for our latest updates..

EnJoy sHoppIng heRe!!!

p/s :we'll try to keep da price range between RM20-RM50
so cheap ha??? wink* HURRY UP!!!!